Friday, January 18, 2013


(d. 1897) 
Revolutionary Martyr from Capiz 
Like most of the 19 martyrs of the Philippine Revolution in Capiz, little is known about the personal life of Valeriano Dalida. 
Dalida was part of the group which was organized by Francisco del Castillo and Candido Iban and which became the nucleus of the Katipunan in Capiz. The two Panay natives, who joined the Katipunan in Luzon, were instrumental in the acquisition of the secret organization’s printing press, which they purchased with part of their winnings in a lottery. Bonifacio had personally instructed Del Castillo to establish the Katipunan in Capiz. Del Castillo assumed the rank of general and appointed Iban as colonel. 
Del Castillo and Iban organized the Katipunan at a meeting in Comtang, Ochang (now New Washington), Capiz in January 1897. Dalida was there together with his brother Romualdo, Teodorico Motus, Albino Rabaria, and Cornelio Delfin. The group recruited other members, and plotted the start of the revolution in Panay. 
However, the existence of the Katipunan on the island was prematurely discovered when the Spanish navy seized the boat owned by Del Castillo on March 17. It yielded incriminating documents about the secret organization. Apprised of the incident, General Del Castillo hastily assembled his men for an attack on the Spanish garrison in Kalibo on February 23. 

Sonza, Demetrio. Illustrious Ilonggos Volume 1. Iloilo City: Iloilo Provincial Historical Society, 1972. 
Zaide, Gregorio F. “The Nineteen Martyrs of Aklan.” Philippines Free Press. March 22, 1952. 

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